Sunday, April 27, 2008

Meet Yourself

Einstein said that time is realitive to speed. The faster you go, the slower time goes. Here is a new thought, travel is porportionate to peace. The further you go, the move places you breathe in, the more peaceful you become.

Travel changes people. I'm not talking about culture, or ideas, or new concepts which are learned along the way - simply travel. When you travel you are placed outisde of yourself, outside of predictablity, of safety, outside of everything you know about who you think you are. YOur body changes, your eyes brighten, your mind scrambles and unscrables itself. You feel yourself "alive", you don't "feel alive" - but you ACTUALLY feel yourself living, moving, existing in this world. You hear yourself talk, you feel the rythem of your heart, you smell your skin. It is as if you are the yourself have met for the very first time - you see this living being, you have never touched or talked to before.

Every trip is different, every place.. every rock, every sunset, each one changes you and changes your state of conciousness - be it ever so slightly.
And that changes everything.
(Andrew Tipton)

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