Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Power of Good Words

I admit it. there are days when a life of motion and adventure takes its toll on my body and my mind. The times when I am so exhausted, so tired, so torn and dirty, and sweat covered, that I can hardly move. There are those moments.

It is exactly at those moments, when I feel beaten by my pursuit, when comfort wispers lies in my ears, when I feel seperate from all that is safe.. it is in those moments that I get a smile, a word of encouragement, a shoulder massage, a good meal, an drink of cold water, or a look of strength. I get a unmeasureable response - people say that they admire me, that they would follow my lead, that I am an inspiration.
Me? They probably don't know me well enough - I am just a boy in love with adventure. But, those words have power! They shake me from my very being, the part of you that is wild and raw. When I hear those words, when I see that look.. it gives me hope! I could not live a life of motion without those people - they are my soul. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I owe life to you. Peace & Motion always.

(Andrew Tipton)

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