Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Put the Magic Back

Journal Entry: Put the magic back.

Laying on my back, my skin still feels salty and saturated from the ocean waves and afternoon rays. I am lying here with my eyes closed, my hands behind my head, a worn-out patchwork quilt tangled around my legs, and grains of sand stuck to my bare shoulders. The night air feels like ice-cube kisses on my face, and I can literally feel myself coming and going from jellyfish dreams.
There is nothing extraordinary about this moment; no special sounds, no trembling heart or restless revolutionary thoughts... it is simply the moment before sleep; a common moment, an un-interesting moment - the sort that is quickly forgotten and never brought up in conversation. And yet, as I lay here, everything about it feels inexplicably wild.

Try and explain life.
Try and explain yourself.
Explain the simplest, most ordinary places.
Explain animals or dreams, or touch, or emotion..
I watched a jellyfish today... explain a jellyfish.
I watched a cloudless sky twist and sway and burn itself into a million beautiful colors.. explain that.
Explain rest, and explain sleep, and explain peace, and explain skin, and water, and sunlight.
Do you ever feel like you want to put the magic back into these days? Do you ever feel like there are too many answers, too many explanations? Maybe life only looks rigid and defined.. because we have said so.
Maybe life is still magical, still wild, still wickedly beautiful. Do you ever stop and remember that we are the ones who made up all these answers to begin with?

"I am just lying here."
"I am lying here."
"I am here."
"I am."

"____." is a magic place; a place where definitions, expectations, and explanations do not exist. Things just are. I don't tell them what to be.. don't tell them how to move.. I don't tell them what they were made to do..
What if sea turtles are _______.
What if sound is ______.
What if tigers are _______.
What if you and I are ________.

What an amazing beautiful place we would exist in.

I keep picturing jellyfish.

Andrew Tipton

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