Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Left Hand Horizon

(Oct 17th, Longhunter, TN, experiencing a lake sunset with a beautiful woman)

Last month I spent time actually considering some of my routines.
The elements of my days that are consistently repeated without consideration or forethought. There were more than I imagined.
Mostly based on my own traditions - I discovered that I had involuntarily given myself guidelines when it came to decisions.
From where I meditate, to the sort of vegetables I eat, to which route I take when rock climbing... It wasn't that I didn't have other options.. its just that my repetition had resulted in a sort of subconscious conditioning - my view of the possibilities had become narrowed.

Truthfully, we all live lives that are routine in one degree or another.
Ranging from the most basic level (sleep).. all the way to routines that leave little time for anything extraordinary.
We have routines of going to work, routines when it comes to our interaction with other people, routines for what we like, or what we don't like, routines for the way we dress, or the places we go, or the way we respond to situations..
Personal traditions that begin to steal away the mystery and adventure of uncharted experiences.

I want to sink my K9 teeth into the shoulders of motion and let it roll me like an crocodile - underwater, uncomfortable, unfamiliar. To deliberately rebel against our routine natures - those ways of existing that are unemotionally predictable.
Lets take a right hand turn, in the places where we always seem to go left.. and see what happens. Lets challenge the way we speak to familiar friends.. and see what happens. Lets take a single day, and try something we have never done before - and see what happens!

Who knows where we will end up... who knows who we will encounter.

(Oct 14th, Ebenezar Swap, meditating in the silence of falling leaves)

Andrew Tipton

1 comment:

  1. That exact composition has graced my camera a few times as well. Beautiful imagery.


Please comment about life. There are no parameters, say what you want about whatever you want - freedom.