Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sideways the Raven Flies

Sideways. Sparrow hearted brothers.
The wings are wide. The wings. are wide.
I'm not seeing things straight. No more one direction.
Up or down.
Step of out line. Place a thought here to gather steam.
I am. Roaming angles.
Aqua duct. Gondola river route.
Rain dance Raven.
The black birds are in the trees, and
they have already found what I am searching for.
I watched you running with your arms up. through a field.
Sea Shells wrapped around your wrists. In your underwear.
Running sideways.
Can't top that. Can't beat that. Up Down. No way.
The wings are wide. The wings. are w i d e.
Maybe I want to exist. after all.
Fasten my saddle for the ride. Its a ride. after all.
Sideways love it. Sideways love things like you. Who believe already
in love.
Walk the line men! Stay fierce men! Up. Down. Up or down.
..... But ...... this ..... IS.. s i de w a y s.
IS. Where the birds perch. Outside my window.
Next to god - out on a limb.

Andrew Tipton

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