Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our Minds: Personal Ideas

Some of my Personal Ideas for Growing Our Minds:

- Read. All types of books that push us to explore new possibilities; that challenge the way we have been taught to consider life; that ask questions.

- Write. I believe you can only really know what you write down. Write continually, write positively, positive ideas, positive poems, positive questions, observations. This is crucial to growing mentally.

- Introspection. Quietness is hard, and it is powerful. Silence everything for a few minutes a day and come back to the real parts of life that matter to you. Lose yourself in just being alive for that moment.

- Debate. Push yourself to defend of advocate new ideas to friends or enemies. You will be forced to grow especially if you lose.

- Listen. Listen to what people are saying. listen to what we are doing; to everything humanity is about. Listen to yourself speak. You will find a great deal of truth and laughter.

- Play. Grow your mind through playing. Let is wander, let it wonder, let it run free and never call it back until it has exhausted itself. This is my favorite.. and it usually generates some cool new questions.

(Andrew Tipton)

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