Monday, May 26, 2008


There are moments in life, when you find yourself suddenly, abruptly, and sometimes violently torned from a direction - you experience a shift. Great or small, the change happens, and it radically challenges the perception of you who are. I experince this shift in thought, when I am least looking for it; when my direction has been placed on autopilot, and I am comfortably watching myself moving along. BANG, it happens. A switch in my brain goes off, and I am compelled to close my mind, and restart my thinking. Why it happens I am unsure, but it is necessary.
Why change, when the objective seems so clear, so defined and easy? Why change your mind about a thought that has no met resistence, met no barries or encountered no problems? Why do we change at all?
It is the flow of motion. It is unavoidable. We must, we have no choice but to change, to grow, to rethink, to break down the thoughts that we know, and start over. It the midst of ease, of pleasure, of security, we are captives to our minds. We must continue to move.
Shift your direction, shift your road, shift all that we think we know about who we are and what we are doing.
It is a perpetual flow, and never-ending rushing wave of movement - this life we live in. Contrary to what we beleive about change, it is not un-natural; change is the very essence of life. To stay in harmony with motion we must never complain, never linger, never breathe a shallow breath. Swim with the current of the river, and experience the intensity of motion! SHIFT YOUR THOUGHT! In the tangle of easy, change is waiting to take you in a brave new direction. Take it.

(Andrew Tipton)

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