Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Truth in My Head

Curious isn't it, how much life depends on how close you are to the edge.
Pain, love, size, warmth, distance.. all relative in their proximity to our concious minds. I was looking at a tree yesterday.. I would say it was tall, very tall. I would only say that though, because it is tall compared to me. After the tree, I looked at some ants. I would drescribe them as tiny. Tiny only though, compared to me.
Truth is bent.
The tree and the ants are not truthfully large and tiny - I only see them that way, because that is how they appear relative to myself.
How much of my truths are actually just reflections of true life? I'll explain.
Is pain real? Is the death of a person a universally bad experience? The answer is.. Only to the extent it reaches ME. I know of a person close to myself that died, and I felt pain, the anguish. I tell myself that death is bad, that the truth of death is painful and evil. But, I read this morning of 100,000 people dying in a storm.. and I am moderately unaffected. WHAT?? How can truth exist in a moment, if it is relative to my understanding or my knowledge of its existence? It does not! Truth is deeper than that, quieter, stronger. CHALLENGE WHAT YOU KNOW!
Trees are not tall.
Speed and distance are just ideas. Subjective ideas relative to size and non-movement. Soooo much changes when you know that you are not an objective creature - let it, watch it, and begin to see a different type of motion - truth

(Andrew Tipton)

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