Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sound is beautiful

This day was incredible. Rain, then sun, then clouds swooping sideways, then dark rolling coulds - amazing, beautiful combinations.
I began thinking about beauty. why does it exist? How do I know what is beautiful and what is not? Why do people agree on what defines beauty?
I don't have answers to these questions, I am simply a bystander, helplessly enthralled with the raw splendor of existence.
Beauty is so incredible because it is intertwined in every part of our world. The sunsets, the mountains, the ocean, a womans body, a face.. beauty is everywhere - even in sound. In sound? In sound!
How can a sound be beautiful? why can I enjoy the sound of a song? What makes music so intricately pleasing to my ears? I started playing notes on my guitar.. some I enjoyed, others I didn't. I played a few melodies on my guitar.. several I found beautiful, some I did not. This is facinating!
The ability to detect beauty, it seems, is in my mind. I can see it, I can admire it, I can even hear it!

I was wondering though.. half way out of fun, if music is actually an ancient language - forgotten over the years. A language that is universal, known to by every creature. Notes, just perhaps, are the most elemental words. Maybe the energy I generate when I play a "beautiful" song, is so pleasurable because I am playing words that are filled with strength, love, wisdom, peace, power and mystery. What are all words after all? sounds.
the world is incredible.

(Andrew Tipton)

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