Friday, July 23, 2010

take yourself away

"Take yourself away, there is nothing to love; there is nothing to hate."
- T.

Stand still for a moment, let your thoughts slow to a distant murmur, let your hands and heart unclench.. let schedules and expectations drift from your mind, and listen to what existence is asking from you.
What are the trees asking from you?
What is the night air asking from you?
What does the sun ask from you?
What do the rivers and the stone streets ask from you?
What do dolphins ask from you.. or the seasons?
What about the grass in your lawn, or the hoot owl in the park?
What does this world desire from you? What does this world want you to be?
If you're still enough, you will hear complete silence - this is the sound of the world without the chatter of our own thoughts. The sound of a world that asks nothing from us; stillness opens our ears and our eyes to an existence that solicits no pressure, no agenda, no need, and no requests.

So much of our time is spent living under the blurry conviction of purpose. Most of us assume it comes from an outside source; we assume that we were just born into a world that has demands which must be met, goals which must be accomplished - we never question the pressures of life, neither do we question the assumptions that keep us in perpetual frustration. Often, we find ourselves attempting to live up to an ambiguous standard without ever truly identifying the source..
Most of the time we don't realize that we are the ones giving ourselves purpose. Everything we think we should become, or achieve, or possess in this world, the pressure is all created in our own minds.

If we take ourselves away... the self that echos the mantra of "I must be _______.".. we see life as being neither pressure nor futility; our lives become an powerfully empty page, where anything can be written.

(Andrew Tipton)

1 comment:

  1. i loved this.. . the purpose issue is just consistent in my life right now.. also what Trent wrote about our individual responsibility as artists in creating our "reality".. it s so much easier to surrender our well being to others instead of having to shape our lives ourselves, because let s face it : who wants to admit to failing at life??... take the brush, be the creator.. so thanks, much love from germany, Rima


Please comment about life. There are no parameters, say what you want about whatever you want - freedom.