Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dancing Close to Jenny

I believe that the universe is in a continual state of rewriting balance. My life has been written already - my energy - is continuation of the past and a glimpse of the future. I am living and breathing a circle that has existed and recreated itself for all of time.

If we were to lose our idea of existing within the framework of a "story", we would see ourselves (our experience) more clearly. Imagine that we are the expression of an infinite purpose, that instead of fulfilling a narrative, we are fulfilling an endless intention. If we are a "purpose" instead of merely a "story", this means that our form is infinitely adaptable. If we see that we contribute to life in a way that exists beyond our human limitations, then our need to be part of a story disappears. A story may have a beginning or and end, but a "purpose" continues regardless of the character. I feel that my story is a purpose - not that I "have" a purpose as a human, but that I am (my existence) is purpose. This is, to me, a more intimate way to observe our collective path.. to witness how completely we are rooted inside motion.

Purpose is indifferent, it shows no preference, no regard for how it achieves itself - so it can take any shape. Each of us become purpose on a level that has absolutely nothing to do with our humanity. We show reverence for our "self" but that "self" belongs to the echo of the universe - not our bodies, not our abilities. Purpose will work itself despite us, and through us, and with us - in an infinite way.

Andrew Tipton

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