Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Traveller Paradox

As travel has become an intimate part of my existence,  I've begun to realize as "travellers" we are allowed an incredible gift -   the ability to powerfully and intimately connect with new people.  I feel this is a direct result of our temporary stay.     The traveller's life is a mirror in which people look and experience their own impermanence.. it opens the door to the eagerness that resides in all of us.    Our transience makes us susceptible to the generosity and emotional receptiveness of strangers.        We are permitted to fall in love within moments..  we are permitted to venture into the deep-beautiful spaces within a person that usually take months or years to discover.    As a traveller, I've witnessed the barriers and limitations of normal relationships utterly dissolve.     I think that when we're aware of our temporary time,  it literally alters our level of communication.. creating an earnest longing to experience truth and open-ness. The walls of normal interaction disappear.. and we can address a person at their purest state.
The love experienced by a traveller is unmatched.  

As travellers we are allowed a direct connection into the deepest most fulfilling relationships that life has to offer. And ironically, it is our destiny to let them go.
I am discovering this balance.. to unconditionally offer love, and then to unconditionally "release" people from it.    We are given the gift of finding extraordinary friends, and then we must accept that our paths part ways.   It is a unique and often difficult way of living..  as so much of our life is often devoted to "safety" and "maintaining" our possessions.    It seems counter intuitive to find greatness and then set it free..    
yet, I feel that this paradox must exist. 
I believe this is how universe balances itself..  discovering and releasing -  and in neither, holding back.    

Andrew Tipton

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