Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Sacredness of Repeating Life

Consistently I find myself shaking my head and laughing, surprised by the teaching and the goodness that I find waiting on me in ordinary places.   I'm finding it nestled within seemingly monotonous morning conversations.. on the porches of coffee shops, during traffic stalled on the interstate, even while clinging to boulders while rock-climbing.  Time after time,  I am discovering that simply because we have experienced an event once, and learned from it once..  that event should not dictate our perception of repeating it.      I am discovering, that whenever we turn down an offer to "engage" life, be it physically or metaphorically, we are usually doing so because we assume a certain outcome - we are placing parameters on the possibility of the experience..  and in essence, robbing ourselves of any further revelations.

This is how we learned to experience life as children...  we act, we feel, we decided if we liked it or if we disliked it, and then we move on.  But I don't believe this is truly how our life was meant to be lived -  decided and finished.  Now that we have grown a little, perhaps we should broaden our expectation -  maybe there is more to learn than we often suppose.
 There is this undulating sacredness to repeating life..  rippling through even the most common things.  It is sacred because nothing is ever the same..  everything is in a constant state of motion and renewal, and cyclical rejuvenation.  We are actuality never "repeating" an experience..  because it is always reborn into the moment.  Re-entering the experiences that the universe offers to us, from friends, from strangers, from our intuition, (even the ones we find uncomfortable, or awkward)  this repetition is a revelation dressed in ordinary clothes.    

My petition to the universe tonight, is to claim open-ness in circumstances that I believe I have already perfected.
  Not decided.   Not determined.  Not knowing.   Simply open... and expectant of goodness. 

Andrew Tipton

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