Wednesday, June 24, 2015

God Is Not a Lonesome Experience

Sometimes I am afraid
of what I love,
to let the world at it,
Tell me,
from wherever you are,
does it feel the same?  
Do you choke on the songs
even as we sing them together?  
Do you ever
paint over the dark hounds of the open road?  
Or lie. Awake. 
in the stillness and quiet of the night,
finally inhaling the soft animal of yourself? 
I do. 
And what of us? 
What of me? 
Truthfully, when I stand there
peering into the vastness of your intention,
I believe
God is not a lonesome experience,
and when I am in among them,
its also there
I feel it. 
Swallowed up, consumed, bewildered, embraced, terrified.
maybe as you do,
that the world is built for touching. 
that my body is a simple reckless thing,
I am not distrustful of its
rumbling earthly madness.

Andrew Tipton

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