Friday, October 16, 2015

Stealing Horses

How do you work out the intricacies of another human?     It is necessary?    We spend so much time looking for answers...  making sense..  convincing others to rip themselves open and spill themselves all over us.    Why do we push and tug and struggle to get to the center of everyone else?      To figure them out,  to sort through the fabric and the dust of them.   Why is it that?   Why do we try to interrogate, to take bright lights into the soft and intimate spaces of people?   Why do we try to twist, and wring, and scour out their secrets, try to dissect and devour them?  

I release myself from my instinct to seek out understanding at the cost of peace..    I release myself from the insecurity and fear of uncertainty.     This need to attain clarity leaves no room for the subtle intuition and liberty of love.    After all..  how does a man fall in love with something he comprehends?     We are drawn to mystery..  we are awakened and enlivened by the things / the ones that intrigue us.  

Andrew Tipton

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