Friday, November 13, 2015

Paris on A Friday

Reading about the attacks in Paris tonight.    Viewing photos of the faces of bleeding and injured people, looking into their eyes and seeing the fear and the disbelief.. the sadness, the rage.   I feel the rage too, somewhere in the pit of my chest,  gnawing at me.   

Tonight, I remember who my enemies are. 
Clearly and precisely.  

We fight so much here in America, over insignificant issues.  We quarrel over racial differences,  we attack expressions of personal liberty..  we grumble about people who love us, and worry about our self-image.       I think we get caught up sometimes, with these surface-level struggles..  and it isn't until a moment of piercing clarity, like today,  when we suddenly remember that we have real enemies.    

American people!     This is sobering, and also illuminating.   Lets reassess what we're willing to tolerate in ourselves and others.    Lets offer our leniency to those who are not trying to destroy us,  but rather simply trying to live and be free.  Treating peace with renewed gratitude and fervor.   Intolerant only of real enemies that threaten that peace.      

Andrew Tipton

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