Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Feathers in the Dark

I think to see the beauty of the mountains, you have to leave them for awhile.

When I was in Telluride,Colorado, I would always ask people if they enjoyed living, nestled perfectly between some of the world's most beautiful ski slopes
"You get used to them after awhile." They would always say.

Yesterday was a trip away from the mountains for me.. or more like a journey away from them for a decade. I missed them so much!
Not actual mountains... I would describe them as people mountains, thought mountains; faces and minds. I was exposed to a different side of life for 9 hours yesterday - a side of life that is not what I cherish. I realized that I have become so used to existing around this world's most astounding people, places, and ideas, that I've forgotten they are not ordinary things.

My Friends.. I'm so glad to be a part of an idea that is bigger and stronger than me. What we know and the way we live life absolutely astounds me! Our ability to create, the ingenuity and cleverness of our minds, our pursuits... our liberty is breathtaking! I knew it.. I have know it.. but I couldn't really see it until yesterday - when it was missing.
We are marvelous beings.. I thrills me to be us.

Andrew Tipton

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