I consider our ability to anticipate the future one of the most powerful, and yet debilitating human conditions.
We perceive the world through eyes that only know a "present" state of being.. we do not see reality as it will be, or ourselves as
WE will be in the future. Our decisions and perceptions are hindered by the immediate moment.
I have noticed this in my own life - watching myself create visions of the future that are centered on an impermanent base. Life changes.. unpredictably, outlandishly, mysteriously - that is the motion of the universe.
I think that we can use that knowledge to our advantage! Using the ambiguity of life to actually open up possibilities in our mind. Imagine having a vision for life but being currently incapable of implementing it. Based on our condition of "present anticipation" we would see that vision as merely a fantasy because it does not align with our potential in the moment.
I believe that many times we do not pursue an inspiration simply because we
assume it is not possible.. based on our limited view of reality. We take our
current self (including impermanent limitations) and radiate it outwards into the future.. that future is built on those conditions and limitations of "NOW". When we do this, we are not viewing a real future.. but one that has artificial boundaries.
Here is where that can change. We have the opportunity to perceive an
unlimited future reality. This is a reality that falls outside of our current limitations. If we understand that the future will not be merely a reflection of our "present" state.. then anything is possible! We accept the reality of
change, knowing that life will gravitate in unforeseen directions.. and we embrace it! Truthfully, anything could happen. This is the idea of an unlimited future reality, that we are unencumbered in our thinking and pursuits. We do not discount our selves or our possibilities. There are so many factors that we cannot see yet, so many people, events and motions that will shape our future. We do not have to attempt to release expectation.. but we also don't have to be entrenched in a false sense of predictability.
Andrew Tipton