Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Self. Illumination.

It is fascinating to me how we treat ourselves differently depending upon the presence or absense of others.
It's as if we live double lives - one version of ourself takes shape when there is a crowd, and the other when we are certain of our complete seclusion.
It is not a new thought, I know.  We might assume that this is simply how life is lived, extending effort when it is socially required, and then withdrawing when we have time to ourselves.  It's our culture, it's what we do.   People need time to unwind, to relax and chill out.
But, what I have noticed (mostly in myself) is that the quality of our time spent alone seems greatly diminished compared to the moments we share with others.  there is an increasing and fierce difference not only in what we do, but the level of attention and affection that we give ourselves when no one else is watching.   In short, our alone time is missing love.
I think one of the great benefits to social exposure is that it unleashes a side of us that wants to impress, wants to speak about fascinating topics, wants to savor delicious meals or enjoy life unsparingly.   our exuberance creates an extremely positive atmosphere most of the time, and we walk away from a day or night feeling alive and passionate.   We treat our bodies well and we treat our minds well when we are interacting with others.
On the reverse, think of the time that is spent alone..  when the only person around is ourself.  Does it look different?     why do we spend so much effort on our interactions with others, and yet devote so little affection to our own sacred aloneness?
 I think most of us have a debilitated perspective on what it means to have time just for ourselves.  For most of us, our primary focus in life revolves around relating to  and enjoying other people - unfortunately that creates an unengaged, disinterested attitude towards aloneness.  While we certainly need space to recharge and relax, there is so much pleasure that can come from treating ourselves well, even when no one else is nearby.    Our self is the most important being in our universe, it is our closest friend, our greatest ally, our health, our wellness..    I believe that the quality of life we enjoy is greatly reflected in how we fill our empty spaces.  
I want to advocate self-enchantment.. intense and deliberate.   I am excited that we each have space to be ourselves uninhibited!   what a gift!    Im excited to begin seeing my aloneness in a different light, taking a wilder and more ambitious interest in self.

Andrew Tipton

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