Friday, October 31, 2014

The Art of Rebellion

I have named this month, "Rebellious October" - is the month of challenging my identify of self.
 This is the month for rebelling against the "learned" idea of who I am.  what I do,  the way I feel comfortable interacting and arranging my life.   It is a month of re-invention, of experimenting with my edges,  the lines that keep ME contained and defined and organized, and...  sane.  

I began this practice a few years ago..  with one idea:
"What if we took a month...  and rebelled, not against anything outside of ourselves,  but against the idea that we hold for "who we are" or own "definition" of self?       What if we took a few weeks to reconsider the way we perceive our story, our direction, our intention, our interaction..   accepting ourselves as malleable, and pliable.     

 Each time this season rolls around, I find new ways to feed the rebellion. 
 I anticipate it.. I avoid it..  I get twisted and brooding about it.      This is not about "dismantling" myself..  but rather challenging the routine of my lifestyle; the habits which are practically, permanent staples in my character.  
ANDREW.   Is more than he thinks he is.  
 ..and it takes a month stepping outside of the "ONE" that I am familiar with..  to literally, viscerally experience that truth. 

Rebellion is the fundamental uprooting of leadership, it is the undermining of order, the symbol for rebirth and the symbol of inner conflict.   
And if used with intention... it becomes the art of self-reinvention.  

This October.. for myself.. is the rebellion against my tolerance.  
I am practicing the intolerance of "apathy".  
I am practicing the intolerance of "disregard".  
I am practicing the intolerance of "whatever-ness".
I have agreed (just for this month) to be intentional with my self on a higher level.  
This is affecting the way I dress, the attention I give to the simple details of my surroundings, the time I spend attending to details of life. 

What I have noticed year after year...  is that everything I am doing to myself  is also affecting life beyond my borders..     it isn't a contained rebellion.. 
inadvertently it bleeds over into the lives of others 
and they get to be part of it too. 

I dig it. 

Andrew Tipton

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