Sunday, January 18, 2009


shades of color drift forgotten between shades of dull gray,
colorless, in the rain as it splashes across a beautiful girl's face.
What lies beneath the sweetness of lips?
What truths of beauty lurk behind dark eyes?
The silver swirling madness of waves at night,
the tremble of a kiss, the first, bathed in shimmering,
the secret places that we venture in our purest dreams,
mountains towering above forests, the beaches of an distant island,
my wild jungle fortress - where we are forever young.
I have heard reasons for such thoughts,
the ambition of affection,
that perpetual affliction.
How much do humans suffer at the hands of love and at the feet happiness?
Begging for their own.
Better to live and move and venture into danger?
Better to be wild, than tamed?
Better to be never be known, and to never know?
Her fingers fit my fingers perfectly; organically.
we dance around flames.
I am without words,
with knowledge and without wisdom.
I have found that rawness is not only in stones or wind,
it is in the movement of loveliness.
perfect, absolute, motion.

(Andrew Tipton)

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