Supernovas are the explosions of stars that create extreme amounts of light and energy.
The explosions of stars. Does that not rock your mind?
I can't breathe straight when I think about supernovas. Honestly.
A star, a billion miles away - ending the life that it has lived, and becoming this movement of color, of light, of absolute raw energy and power.
I am laughing out loud; supernovas are real.
I wonder if stars deep down are all really capable of becoming supernovas - but they just don't know it yet?
Did you ever get to a place.. and say enough.
Enough words, enough thought, enough of this.
Did you ever realize what you are? Did you ever find what you want so strong and so furious - that when you see it, you don't want any other life.
You have to drop all that you are, all that you have been, and choose a different existence.
I'm not talking about a "better" or more "successful" life - those don't exist. I'm considering a life that grips you by the heart and won't let go.
What do you want?
Are we moving in a direction that we believe in?
Supernovas are real. The choice to change is real.
When stars become supernovas, they let go.
They actually collapse on themselves and then explode outward. They reach a point of absolute exhaustion, and its as though they too say, "Enough.".
All the gravity, all the forces that keep them contained disappear... and then BOOOM!!!
When a star loses everything, when it entirely abandons containing itself, it is at that moment that it becomes everything incredible. No longer is it a solitary entity in a distant galaxy.. it stretches past itself touching and affecting everything around it. Light. Beauty. Power. Motion. Radiance. In a way, it is the entire loss of self that creates something extraordinary.
We are the same.
Exactly the same.
We are supernovas that just don't know it yet!
Honestly, I am entirely preoccupied with remaining a star. In my own convenient space, with my own gravity holding me down - in perfect undisturbed orbit. Often times, I even love pretending that a "star" is all I was born to be. A star, a spectacle, to be admired and looked at from a distance. What a pathetic, self-absorbed, glamorized existence.
I forget that life doesn't have to end with me! I forget that I am not the center of the universe. Someone should tell us when we are young.. that we can EXPLODE on this earth! They should tell us not to behave so safely, not to consume ourselves with self-preservation or look forward to retirement. Someone should tell us that we can take all of those passions, and those stunning ideas and thoughts and gifts that make us unique - and we can unleash ourselves on humanity. In a blur of fleeting energy.
I have that choice. We have that choice.
On the way to work, I have that choice. In the morning when I wake up, I have that choice. When I am about to say something, I have that choice. When I smile, I have that choice.
All I have to do is let go.
Let go. Say ENOUGH.
Everything beautiful, everything real... all those blues and those crimson reds and neon yellows and those flames of supernova light, they are aching to escape! They are aching for us to just stop being smart and sexy, afraid and predictable. Stop talking, stop moving in circles, stop complaining, stop searching, stop concluding.
Look at that photo again.. and imagine if you exploded like that onto this world. What would that look like? Who would you affect? What would you become?
You are a supernova already - just let go.
Choose freedom.
(andrew tipton)