Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rip the Pages from a Book

It is amazing what happens when we cease struggling to define life; stop thinking; stop controlling; stop needing our own way. There is a wildness tucked away and hidden deep deep down inside these souls and galaxies.. it is perfect and deliberate and unpredictable; when we let that wildness run through our bodies, it rocks our world.
Sometimes, I get lost in my efforts; lost in trying to reason life out, or attempting to create a scenario which I find appealing. Yet, inevitably, the flow of existence is greater and more beautiful than anything I can imagine. I see life so linearly.. I want it to play by my rules.. but I'm learning that the goodness and the sensual revolutions of this world are not bound to time, not bound to opinion, or strategy, or effort - they are beyond our knowing.
This wildness... this intricate, inexplicable flow, is simply available for us to fall into... to sink between like tall, soft summer grass. There is no pressure here, there is only a question of contentment.
I rip the pages out of a National Geographic; without thinking... and the result amazes my mind.

Andrew Tipton

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