Thursday, October 7, 2010

These. Our Stories

All my stories fade.. we fade.. quietly into the circle of motion.
All that we lived for, all that we fought for, and challenged, and obeyed, and loved.. will one day be summerized by the sun-beached words of a tombstone.
Life becomes remarkable because of that truth.
When we finally realize our impermanence, we can begin to live fearlessly.

Today, I want to remember and honor the brilliance of this existence - these stories are only ours for an instant.
What will today's story be?

Andrew Tipton

1 comment:

  1. hey Andy!
    i remember ur van and i think it s awesome that u captured moments where people are just real and somehow incredibly beautiful and at peace with who and what they are.i m used to seing a lot of ugly.. seeing the worse and expecting the worse from people because let s face it..we re weak animals. but the self is precious and aspiring and ur blog reminds me of that every time. u re great for being able to bring that out in people.and i just love that u re capable of sharing s beyond brave.


Please comment about life. There are no parameters, say what you want about whatever you want - freedom.