Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Never Saw it Coming

The future ain't what it used to be.
- Lewis J. Bates

My friend Angela's house burned to the ground a few days ago.
She is alive, safe and well. I am glad. Sometimes it takes a fire to make you see someone again.. or see yourself.
I have been thinking a lot about our times together. Our laughter, our conversations, our silence, and our creations. Lots of incredible memories.. nearly an hour has passed since I wrote that last line.. there was a lot to remember.
Today when I woke up, I lay there.. thinking about our future.
Mine. Yours. Angela's.
We live like we've already been there.. to the future.. like we know whats waiting on us. How our lives will flow.. the sort of person we'll eventually become.. the books we'll write, where we'll end up.. who we'll end up with.
Angela probably knows it better than me.
We don't have a future.. Not yet; Not a real one.
The one we think we know.. is just a daydream, based shadily on only our present condition.

We play god the best we can.. and then everything shifts.
We win the lottery.. or we die on the way to watch a sunset.
We never saw it coming.
That is our future.

Andrew Tipton

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