Monday, January 31, 2011

The Teachings of Sexy Bear

I talk about the curves of the road, the open horizon ahead - and he listens.

I explore my pleasures, my dilemmas, my bewilderment - and he listens intently.

I sing - and he listens with unbroken fascination.

I scream - and he listens without the slightest discomfort.

I am silent - and he still listens.

Staring back into the eyes of my silent travel companion; his relaxed and eager gaze seems to draw the thoughts from my lips. As my words come spilling out, I realize that I am speaking without a filter.. without the need to edit my words.
A exodus of ideas come out of my mouth, brilliant conclusions, forgotten fantasies, remarkable solutions - and the words keep pouring out like a rushing stream.
Sexy Bear, has never said a word.. he has only listened.

In our search for wisdom, we forget that the answers we are pursuing sometimes already exist inside of us. We want to be taught much of the time.. we want knowledge to come to us, instead of through us.. but perhaps the best teachers are the ones that do not try to convince us of truth... but allow us to discover it on our own.
The silent, eager listeners.. neither condemning, nor provoking - only accepting.

Andrew Tipton

1 comment:

  1. A few of the best teachers I have know are listeners, a few of the kindest talkers I have known are teachers, but of everyone I have know the best teachers were those that showed forgiveness. Yet, what I know isn't much at all.


Please comment about life. There are no parameters, say what you want about whatever you want - freedom.