Thursday, May 29, 2008

52 Miles in a Day

Life awareness. That is the motivation - that is the reason I do it. The pain, the sweat, the 15 hrs of steady pace, it all fades, compared to the absolute peace and joy of being alive and knowing it.
The LIFEWALK is a journey that takes about 15 hrs of a day. It is a walk that covers 50 miles of pavement, along a busy highway in Alabama - it is incredible. We forget that we have the choice to experience motion that goes against everything our culture covets. To say no to comfort for a day, to say no to safety, to say no to speed, no to expectations, to say no to convenience, to say no to the mundane - you and I have that choice. We spend day after day prisoners of the ordinary, victims of our elaborate minds. But there is hope.
The LIFEWALK is about experiencing the simplicty and beauty in the moment. It is about feeling pain, feeling pleasure, feeling exhaustion, feeling like you can't continue - and realizing that feelings don't dictate who you are at all. 1 step after another step.. 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1... it is a symbol of life, of the moments and fleeting days that build upon each other to create an entire LIFE. Every step we take, every moment is critical to our endeavor - without any of the steps, we would not reach our goal. Some steps are more exciting than others, some more thrilling, some more painful, but all are absolutely necessary.
Along the LIFEWALK, you meet people, you interact, you see amazing things, you hear ideas, you challenge thought - you find that the world cares less for you than you realize. There is peace in walking, there is peace in giving up our fetish of approval, there is peace in living free, and cherishing the day.

(Andrew Tipton)

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