Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Wait Is Over

I like to think about ideas - to toss them back and forth in my creative little mind, until I think I own them. I like to talk about notions, about the way of life, the days, the movement - just for the sake of hearing what I know, from myself. As I am writing and thinking, and talking now.
There is a moment though, when I have to do what it is I say I want to do. There is a moment when everything that I believe and everything that I say I stand for is held up to the burning light - either I decide to back up what I have said, or I fall with my empty words; words without power, and with no substance.
Procrastination. A luxurious consolation - and the empowering excuse to never stand up and live for what you believe. Idly we sit and watch youth and motion drift away.. second after fleeting second... and our justification? Tomorrow.
There are those who use "TIME" as their shield. When we say, "I'm not ready yet." or "Just a few more years of ______ .", we are running our lives on empty words. WHEN!?? when are you ready? WHEN is it time? The illusion of an existence past NOW keeps us bound to priorities that are pointless, useless.. deadly to motion, and adventure. We feel safety, when all we do is talk about being radical. We are comfortably contained and defined, when all we do is think about living outside the box. There is no challenge, no fear, and no feeling in a life that is not conciously aware of the NOW. A life that rides on delicate words is not a life I want to own.

You will never be any younger than you are right now.
Life is totaly undeserved - and that makes it incredibly priceless.
the wait is over
we were born to live.

Andrew Tipton

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