Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Falcons in a Thunderstorm

Azul. My body trembles with the crests of Haleiwa waves. The sweetest sensation; like pomegranate juice on my tongue. Swaying between the roots of banyan trees; high above the answers. / I once flew across an enchanted island into a sunrise and disappeared. Beneath light like this.. this shimmering wild; this movement without reason to be. Here is the edge of a summer eclipse, of which we all heard about when we were very young: believe it now. / You and I. We Fly. Between the twists of miracles, the sounds of wings against raindrops.. breathless, calling to one another.. feathers of a torrent. / It is not so much that we escape; never to escape; but to lose ourselves in that which already owns us. / White lynx brothers and sisters; fire dragons of the earth; falcons in flight caught in a thunderstorm; Of Jealousy and Honesty and quiet Stillness. / Sinking through purple clouds and black strikes of lightning, and finding ourselves in the very midst, in the mouth of heaven herself, touching her deepest secrets; seeing life as circles - as perfect raindrops on a dark ocean. / Swim dolphins swim; swim while you can..

(Andrew Tipton)

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