Thursday, August 28, 2008


There is a place in our minds that we don't control. It is the place where we become so in-tune with the force of motion around us, that our thoughts, our words and our movements stretch beyond explanation. We can predict circumstance, we can touch the visions of another human, we are able to see life in a way that normally we wouldn't even consider.

You can't find this place. You won't be able to will yourself into a state of mind, or read enough books on the subject to master the art. There is no seminar on achieving success or learning control - it is about losing complete control. I am beginning to believe that the reason we have a hard time as individuals, communicating and reaching other people, is because we are so focused on our self as an individual. Are we really separate from everyone else? Is there really a distinction between me, you, a tree, a rock, a bird, water, the grass? Where does my line begin, and your line end? There is an overwhelming sense of autonomy has caged our minds! If we can break it, we might just see a world that doesn't exist some plainly - so well defined.

Think of the world as you know it. There is you. There is someone else. There is a forest. There are animals. There are clouds.
Reconsider your world. There is only we.
If you back far enough away from planet earth, you no longer see the lines. The edges of our bodies, the definition from sea to land, the breaks in our words and in our expressions - they are all lost in the single sphere of motion. You still exists, but you start to see that you are connected deeply to everything else.

If we can forget to be ourselves, if we can erase the lines that confine our brains, and stop trying to control our environment - there are possibilities unlocked, that will absolutely rock our souls! Imagine being able to know what another person is thinking, imagine being able to communicate on a level that is beyond speech and language, beyond space, beyond definition.
Twins are the closest example that we have to draw from. It is true that twins experience "telepathy" from time to time. I am a twin, and I can assure you that it is true. Why is this? How is this possible? Could it be, that twins were the same being for a short period of time, and they are still subconciously aware of that untra-sensitive conncection? Don't be naive. Don't be naive. Stop placing limitations on yourself, stop thinking so much, stop tyring to analyze, and factualize yourself. Open your mind.

You are not your own. You are part of earth - a living breathing being. There is a connection to every living thing here.. you are part of everything else.

(Andrew Tipton)


  1. I was walking my dog Sonny along the Hudson River in Manhattan. A single card from a deck of cards was sticking up through the boardwalk, almost saying to me, "pick this card". I did, and turned it over...the 9 of diamonds. I googled the phrase and found this beautiful site. I am an identical twin from a family of 9, we are a tribe; My sister and I share a wireless communication that most people don't believe. Blessings,Andrew.

    1. just the same happened to me now!!! what is that???

  2. Just a small comment:

  3. a card fell out...onto the floor a nine of diamonds from a box full of stuff...2 weeks 3 weeks ago i can't remember now....through it in a back pocket and moved it from shorts to jeans to shorts....thinking i will look it up somewhere ...sometime....emptied the pockets again...tonight it happened to be....found your blog...lovely blog...full of wonderment and searching...thank you for filling some spaces in soul....i too am an aries and believe in life... i am always the infant we really are.....constantly thinking,feeling, trying to understand what others don't... trying to fix what others won't....loving all....accepting what we can...changing things sometimes we shouldn't...making miracles when we sometimes don't even know we do...seeing things with that sixth sense that we simply have but can't call on...and i am grateful every day when i put my toes on the side of the bed.....i am an ole hippie from way back....seems many lifetimes ago....had a few lives 3 wonderful sons and four glorious grandbabes....a man that puts up with me finally.... 2 dogs 10 cats... living parents... a home near woods and water...and last but not faith which has gotten me to my is good....God bless you on you journey young will have many lives and something wonderful will be happening soon...just don't look for will just be.... jc


Please comment about life. There are no parameters, say what you want about whatever you want - freedom.