Monday, August 4, 2008

The Day you Wake Up

There is a moment in life.. a instance that cannont be touched, defined, or written about - it cannot be described or depicted, it is beyond comprehension, beyond reason, beyond thought or intellect; it is the moment truth and spirit kiss, the moment fear is slain by freedom, and the moment your eyes awake, and for a fleeting breathe you behold the delicate, priceless beauty of the very moment.
You are outside yourself, you see the world as a speck, you see time as fiction, you hear only the rumble of motion and feel the rush as it consumes your thoughts and your movements.
There is the illusion of tomorrow, of beyond now - it is what keeps us in check. We follow rules, save, fret, worry, rest, kill - all in the name of anticipation. But there is something better, something more powerful and more brilliant than safety - it is what you do now. When you are aware of the moment, you are free. Outside the bubble, outside the grind, outside the lines - danger tastes like sweet sweet berries. A life that is wrapped around freedom is dangerous... and if you are afraid of danger, you will never ever experience the moment.

Andrew Tipton

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