Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Myself & What You Think You Know

"Its not that I am so tough, I just put everything in a box, lock it up, and bury it deep down inside where no one can touch it." J. Maxine

I listen and smile politely whenever someone tells me that they know all about me.. that somehow they can read me, or understand me or percieve the depths of my thoughts. I am deliberate.
My life revolves around truth and openness, and yet, you know only the person that I allow you to know. Don't be naive.

Friends often wear their deepest self on their shoulder. They grow spiritually, mentally, physically, and they must, at once, share themself completely with the world. They spend no time savoring the moment, or reflecting on the deepness of discovery - they are simply concerned with telling someone. What feeds that need? Have we become so insecure as indivduals, that we feel almost obligated to tell people about ourselves - to glorify our actions, to dramatize and hype our days and words? Our egos, our security, our very place in existence, rests solely on knowing that people "know" that we are ok, or that we are successful, or smart, or powerful, or weathly, or hopeless, or in pain.

We sell the sexiness of our souls .. we strip the depth of our concious! How does one retain beauty, and mysteriousness, and subtlety if our minds are continually naked and exposed? Where do my thoughts go to swim with one another, after I have drained the pools of personal reflection?

There is a satisfaction that comes from knowing motion in my mind, of which no other person is aware. It is a relationship that I have with myself. My spirit and my soul share secrets, they tell each other stories, and play games together. There is beauty wrapped around the thoughts that no one hears about.

GO. DO. EXPLORE. DREAM. BLEED. GROW. LAUGH. And I will share much. There is still a box inside that no one knows - don't be naive.


(Andrew Tipton)

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