Thursday, August 5, 2010

breathe in and breathe out

Most purely I think life's motion is most completely realized, when we see it as a circle - a smooth flow of perpetual breathes. Like the sunset that becomes a sunrise, the days seem to mimic the motion of our mouths as we inhale and exhale.
Breathe Once.

On the inhale, we are taking life into our lungs, we are capturing sustenance and wellness, opening ourselves up (literally) to the gift of air. It is the moment we take.. the moment we exert our presence on earth. We cannot live if we don't inhale.

On the exhale, we let go. Feel air slip from your grasp, move freely from your lungs, leaving you empty. The exhale, is when we give back the breath that made us complete. We're giving it back because it was never ours, we just borrowed it for a few seconds. It is as beautiful and necessary as the inhale.
We cannot live if we don't exhale.

Life follows the same rhythm; a balance between what we take into ourselves and what our open mouths release back into the world. When we breathe, we never hold onto a breath very long.. it is simply moving through us. Perhaps a life that follows that principle would do us well.
Days of deep breathes and open mouths - always eager to draw beauty into our souls, yet always free to let it go. Take and give. Breathe in and breathe out.

Andrew Tipton

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