Thursday, August 26, 2010

eat well

I don't have to talk about the wisdom of eating nourishing food; Anyone that loves feeling and looking good, knows that nutritious food is absolutely critical to our bodies. When we put healthy goodness in our mouths, our bodies function at their optimal levels - creating balanced energy, strength, youthfulness, peace.. In a literal sense, we actually become the food that we consume.
But what about the "other" ways that we eat? What about our other mouths?

Have we considered our eyes and the respect we give with our vision? When we let our eyes feast on an object, or a person, or an image, we are truly inviting that energy into our bodies. Often times, I don't think we realize how much of an effect it has on us.. or how deeply those images sear themselves into the fabric of who we are. I think most of us let our eyes just wander aimlessly; filling our subconscious with images that lack nutritiousness. That can change... We have the choice to genuinely pursue images that really "feed" us deeply - that breathe creativity and sensuality into our reflective imaginations.

What about the sounds we listen to? When we hear words from the mouths of our Friends or from strangers, do we filter out the truth from the trans-fats? We absolutely are affected by the goodness or negativity of sound. People are jaded, afraid, hateful, and defensive.. mostly because they have listened to and believed lies about themselves or about life. When we accept what someone says... it is as if we eat their words - swallow them inside of us, and make them part of who we are. They can either leave us mal-nourished and feeble, or give us strength, confidence, and hope - it all depends on what we listen to.

We are always eating. Our eyes, our mouths, our ears... always feeding ourselves... be it healthy, or destructive. I want to encourage awareness on a small scale.. reminding myself that I can choose to eat well on many levels - and life is more delicious when I do.

Andrew Tipton

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