Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Poems to God

Our words and intentions are powerful. If you believe that, I think it can change life.
What if we wrote letters to the day?
We send letters and emails to friends and lovers... we tell our stories, we share our excitement and our energy.
Why not extend that same energy and thought towards the wind, and trees, and our own beautiful bodies? What if we spent a few moments of our day writing to the earth.. being thankful for our existence... or honestly jotting down our prayers and dreams.
Could the intention of pen strokes change the channels of our motion?

These letters would simply be a connection to this one moment in time. Letters of awareness; poems from our vulnerable childish minds, to the earth that we exist inside.
We could light them with a match, and let the breezes take them to god's ears.
Things are possible.

We are blessed to be a part of this place.

Andrew Tipton

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